LUFA Library  120219
Architecture Specific Definitions

Architecture specific definitions relating to specific processor architectures. More...


#define JTAG_DISABLE()
#define JTAG_DEBUG_POINT()   __asm__ __volatile__ ("nop" ::)
#define JTAG_DEBUG_BREAK()   __asm__ __volatile__ ("break" ::)
#define JTAG_ASSERT(Condition)   MACROS{ if (!(Condition)) { JTAG_DEBUG_BREAK(); } }MACROE
#define STDOUT_ASSERT(Condition)
#define pgm_read_ptr(Address)   (void*)pgm_read_word(Address)

Detailed Description

Architecture specific macros, functions and other definitions, which relate to specific architectures. This definitions may or may not be available in some form on other architectures, and thus should be protected by preprocessor checks in portable code to prevent compile errors.

Define Documentation

#define JTAG_ASSERT (   Condition)    MACROS{ if (!(Condition)) { JTAG_DEBUG_BREAK(); } }MACROE

Macro for testing condition "x" and breaking via JTAG_DEBUG_BREAK() if the condition is false.

This macro is not available for all architectures.
[in]ConditionCondition that will be evaluated.
#define JTAG_DEBUG_BREAK ( )    __asm__ __volatile__ ("break" ::)

Defines an explicit JTAG break point in the resulting binary via the assembly BREAK statement. When a JTAG is used, this causes the program execution to halt when reached until manually resumed.

This macro is not available for all architectures.
#define JTAG_DEBUG_POINT ( )    __asm__ __volatile__ ("nop" ::)

Defines a volatile NOP statement which cannot be optimized out by the compiler, and thus can always be set as a breakpoint in the resulting code. Useful for debugging purposes, where the optimizer removes/reorders code to the point where break points cannot reliably be set.

This macro is not available for all architectures.
#define JTAG_DISABLE ( )
MACROS{                                      \
                                                                __asm__ __volatile__ (               \
                                                                "in __tmp_reg__,__SREG__" "\n\t"     \
                                                                "cli" "\n\t"                         \
                                                                "out %1, %0" "\n\t"                  \
                                                                "out __SREG__, __tmp_reg__" "\n\t"   \
                                                                "out %1, %0" "\n\t"                  \
                                                                :                                    \
                                                                : "r" (1 << JTD),                    \
                                                                  "M" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(MCUCR))          \
                                                                : "r0");                             \

Disables the AVR's JTAG bus in software, until a system reset. This will override the current JTAG status as set by the JTAGEN fuse, disabling JTAG debugging and reverting the JTAG pins back to GPIO mode.

This macro is not available for all architectures.
#define pgm_read_ptr (   Address)    (void*)pgm_read_word(Address)

Reads a pointer out of PROGMEM space on the AVR8 architecture. This is currently a wrapper for the avr-libc pgm_read_ptr() macro with a void* cast, so that its value can be assigned directly to a pointer variable or used in pointer arithmetic without further casting in C. In a future avr-libc distribution this will be part of the standard API and will be implemented in a more formal manner.

This macro is not available for all architectures.
[in]AddressAddress of the pointer to read.
Pointer retrieved from PROGMEM space.
#define STDOUT_ASSERT (   Condition)
MACROS{ if (!(x)) { printf_P(PSTR("%s: Function \"%s\", Line %d: "   \
                                                                "Assertion \"%s\" failed.\r\n"),     \
                                                                __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, #Condition); } }MACROE

Macro for testing condition "x" and writing debug data to the stdout stream if false. The stdout stream must be pre-initialized before this macro is run and linked to an output device, such as the microcontroller's USART peripheral.

The output takes the form "{FILENAME}: Function {FUNCTION NAME}, Line {LINE NUMBER}: Assertion {Condition} failed."

This macro is not available for all architectures.
[in]ConditionCondition that will be evaluated,
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