Below is a list of my past projects, which I felt at the time were large enough, interesting enough or complex enough to post onto the Internet for public consumption. The projects cover a range of topics, and are written in a range of languges - so there should be something of interest to most technology enthusiasts.
C# Projects
Projects written in the C# language from Microsoft, on the .NET platform.
Data Size Viewer
Symbol size viewer extension for Atmel Studio.
Build Taskbar Overlay
Windows 7 build status overlay extension for Atmel Studio.
LSS Classifier
LSS file language classifier extension for Atmel Studio.
HEX Classifier
HEX/SREC file language classifier extension for Atmel Studio.
Margin of Error
Build error and warning margin icon extension for Atmel Studio.
Maximum Stack Usage Checker
Maximum stack usage checker extension for Atmel Studio.
AVR Projects
Projects for the Atmel AVR range of Microcontrolers.
ABC Manual
Manual for the now-defunct Investment Technologies' "HotChip" AVR boards.
Simple Simon
An experiment in state-machines to create a "Simon" toy, with sound.
AVRISP clone (with standalone programming mode) for the Atmel Butterfly board.
AVR Code Samples
Small AVR related code fragments and libraries.
AVR Articles
A collection of my AVR related Tutorials for the USART, Timers and more.
Complete USB Stack for the USB AVR microcontrollers.
Clone of the Atmel AVRISP-MKII programmer, based on my LUFA project.
XMEGA PDI Programmer and USB-to-Serial Bridge, based on my LUFA project.
Explorer Bot
Embedded Bluetooth Stack and Exploration Robot.
Visual Basic 6 Projects
Projects for Microsoft's long-dead Visual Basic 6 Platform.
Frontend software for the NQC compiler, for the old Lego Mindstorms Robotics Set.
Desktop assistant to read the time, synchronize the system clock and more.
VB6 project analyser, to show code statistics, remove unused variables and package references.
Layers Demo
GDI Graphics demo to blend several discrete layers into a single composited image.
Java Projects
Projects for the Java 1.6 Platform.
3D Renderer
Java applet to render and rotate a 3D image in real time.
AI Space Game
Early experiment in a platform for pitching one AI against another.
Ray Tracer
Educational sphere ray tracer written in Java, written for maximum readability.
Other Projects
Miscellaneous Projects I've completed.
Modular GNU Make build system, for AVRs.
Microworlds clone of the original Tamagotchi toy.
Mitsmini Manual
Manual for the now-defunct Investment Technologies' "Mitsmini" M16 boards.